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Thank you for being responsible for yourself and your actions and for caring about other people in our school. 

Bicycles, Scooters & Skateboards 

  • We love that you ride to school. Thank you for being considerate of others and walking your bike, scooter or skateboard to the bike rack and leaving it there until the end of the day.  

  • It’s very busy on our school grounds and a bit intimidating for parents and young students if people are riding them on school property. 

  • We trust that you will be respectful. 

School Boundaries 

We want to make sure everyone is safe throughout the day. We trust that you will all stay on the ARES property once you arrive at school.  

  • If you need to leave the school grounds for some reason, please communicate this need to an adult. A note from a parent is important.  

  • If a ball leaves the property, there are many supervisors outside who you can talk to about a possible and safe solution to get the ball back. 

  • Of course, the back parking lot IS NOT a safe place for students. 

Cell Phones or Personal Electronic Devices: 

  • It’s best to leave these devices at home. However, if you choose to bring one to school, please be respectful of other people.  

  • We know they can be great learning tools in the older grades, but please check with your teacher BEFORE using a device in class. 

  • Of course, texting, chatting, gaming or using social media, is not an appropriate activity during school hours and taking videos or pictures is never okay at school.  

  • There is no reason for a cell phone or device to be used in the classroom, hallways, or bathroom during lunch or recess.  

  • If you do need to call or text a family member, please speak with an adult first and they can find you a quiet place to do this. 

  •  If you have your device outside after school while waiting for a bus, we trust that you will be using it responsibly.  

  • Remember, a cell phone is a BIG responsibility and therefore a BIG decision if you choose to bring one to school. 

  • The School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) Policy 310: Code of Conduct must be followed at all times. 

Dress Code 

Although we encourage all of you to be yourselves, we also want to make sure everyone at A.R.E.S. feels safe and comfortable. Please be considerate when you choose what to wear.  

  • Some questions to ask yourself?: 

  • Can I move comfortably in these clothes during physical activity without having to adjust my clothing? 

  • Will anyone be offended by what I am wearing? 

  • Is my outfit appropriate if I am working with my younger buddy? 

  • When parents visit ARES, will I be representing my school well? 

  • Does my outfit show that I have respect for myself? 

Playground Equipment 

  • We care a lot about our equipment at A.R.E.S. and love that there are so many opportunities for students to enjoy at lunch and recess.  

  • We know that our older students are great leaders and will support younger students outside to help them safely use the equipment and to ensure they have turns. 

  • When you use equipment or when you see equipment after the bell rings, please help us out by bringing it into the school or to the outside equipment bins. 

  • If we all take care of the equipment, we will be able to supply more items to enjoy. 

Physical Contact 

At A.R.E.S. there is NO physical contact!  

  • We hope the older students will help the younger students learn to have fun safely and peacefully by being positive role models and supporting them appropriately through conflicts. 

  • If someone is not acting safely, please let them know or find an adult who can help them choose a healthier activity. 

Toy Weapons 

  • Guns, swords and knives – toy or real – are not to come to A.R.E.S. for any purpose, at any time. 

Travel Arrangements 

  • A student is expected to go home directly after school unless he or she has a note from a parent indicating otherwise. 

  • During school trips, students may only travel in their own parent’s vehicle. These arrangements must be made beforehand with A.R.E.S. staff. 

Winter Playground Activities 

  • We will occasionally provide safe opportunities for throwing snowballs in a designated area with supervision, and when the conditions are appropriate. Otherwise, please do not throw snowballs at school. It is not a safe activity!  

  • Sledding is an activity many students enjoy. We will let you know when the hill is open. 

  • Please share the sleds and make sure they are returned and stored properly when the bell rings. 

  • When you are on the sledding hill, walk up the RIGHT side of the hill, not in the sledding area. 

  • Please show respect to our supervisors. 

  • If you plan to sled, you must be responsible for bringing the appropriate gear so that you are not wet for the remainder of the day: Snow pants, gloves, boots, and a coat.