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Code of Conduct 

Statement of Purpose:  

The Code of Conduct at A.R.E.S has been created to ensure we have a safe, caring and orderly school environment for all students and staff. 

At A.R.E.S. we incorporate the Circle of Courage model into our schoolwide culture. It is a model of youth empowerment and resiliency, which recognizes that in order for youth to be emotionally healthy, they need to feel a sense of belonging, mastery, independence and generosity.  Research shows that children who are socially and emotionally healthy are the best learners; children who display positive social-emotional traits are successful in school. Our goal at A.R.E.S. is to actively incorporate the Circle of Courage philosophy and the four universal needs of all children (Belonging, Independence, Generosity, & Mastery) into our schoolwide culture, which will empower students to develop greater personal responsibility, leading to greater resiliency. 

BC Human Rights Code: 

Adam Robertson Elementary School promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code to ensure all students feel a sense of belonging, respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law – prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression – in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment. 

Acceptable and Expected Behaviour: 

It is expected that students will abide by the District and School Code of Conduct while going to and from school, on school busses, at school, and at any school activities wherever held, in a manner that is consistent with the values and actions we encourage at A.R.E.S. 

Belonging  Genorosity  Independence  Mastery    

Including others 

Respecting personal boundaries 

Taking turns, playing fairly, demonstrating sportsmanship 

Respecting the learning of others 

Respecting the property of others 

Being accepting and inclusive of all people 

Respecting the rights of others 

Building positive relationships with others 

Being involved in the school community 

Using kind words and actions 

Being considerate of others: Walking calmly, staying on the right, quiet in the hallway, etc. 

Helping others when they are hurt 

Finding an adult when something/someone is unsafe 

Being respectful and polite to others 

Contributing to the school community 

Demonstrating empathy and understanding 

Sharing ideas and work with others 

Engaging in helpful and thoughtful activities 

Supporting younger students without being asked 

Arriving on time, prepared and ready to learn 

Cleaning up after oneself and caring for the classroom and school 

Making positive choices 

Using equipment safely and with care 

Returning equipment after use 

Gradually assuming more responsibility 

Completing assignments 

Using self-control 

Maintaining a positive attitude 

Working independently and making good decisions 

Being trustworthy and taking responsibility for one’s actions 

Setting goals and working towards them 

Demonstrating leadership 

Putting in one’s best effort 

Striving for excellence 

Committing to teams/clubs, etc. and following-through with expectations 

Solving problems creatively 

Leading by example 

Creating opportunities for others 

Persisting until a task is completed 

Managing loss or failure positively and with a willingness to try again 

Being motivated to succeed 

Being a positive role model 

Unacceptable Behaviour

Belonging Generosity Independence Mastery

Excluding others and leaving people out 

Disregarding personal boundaries 

Playing unfairly, using poor sportsmanship 

Interfering with the learning of others 

Taking, damaging, or disregarding the property of others 

Being non-inclusive, avoiding certain people 

Disrespecting the rights of others 

Forming negative relationships with others 

Not showing care for the school community 

Hurting others (verbally, physically, or emotionally) 

Using unkind words and unkind actions, swearing, being physically aggressive 

Being inconsiderate of others: Running in the hall, being disruptive  

Not showing care when someone is hurt 

Not seeking adult help when someone or something is unsafe 

Being disrespectful and rude to others 

Not contributing to the school community – littering, etc. 

Lacking empathy and understanding for others 

Not willing to share 

Not willing to help others 

Disregarding younger students 

Arriving late, unprepared and not ready to learn 

Not attending regularly 

Not showing care for the classroom or one’s personal space 

Making negative choices 

Using equipment unsafely and without care 

Not returning equipment after use 

Unwilling to assume responsibility 

Not completing assignments 

Using poor self-control 

Maintaining a negative attitude 

Not working independently and making poor decisions that impact others 

Being untruthful and unwilling to take responsibility for one’s actions 

Not caring about one’s personal goals or working toward them 

Following others without thinking of the negative consequences 

Not trying or putting in effort 

Joining clubs/teams but not attending or doing one’s part 

Unwilling to solve a problem peacefully or solving it in a negative way 

Being a poor role model or not standing up for others 

Preventing others from engaging in positive opportunities 

Giving up quickly 

Handling loss or failure inappropriately, with a poor attitude and poor sportsmanship 

Being unmotivated to succeed – giving up easily 

Being a poor role model 

Unacceptable Behaviour and Conduct: 

Unacceptable behaviours and conduct (listed above) will not be accepted while at school, at a school-related activity or in other circumstances, where engaging in the activity will have an impact on our school environment. Conduct also applies to student use of electronic and social media. In addition, the following major infractions will be dealt with by administration according to SD8 policy 

SD8 Policy Manual, Policy # 340 : 


Any act deemed illegal, including: 

possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances 

theft or damage to property 

Any act of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, intimidation, threatening or violent behaviour 

Retribution against a person who has reported an incident 


The school will treat seriously, behaviour or communication that discriminates based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age (prohibited grounds set out in the BC Human Rights Code).   



The focus at Adam Robertson Elementary is to help students assume greater personal responsibility for their negative actions, by creating an individualized plan that leads to healthier choices in the future. We value all students and respond to situations individually --- recognizing the diversity in needs, personal history, previous experience, age, as well as level of comprehension --- so that each student feels safe, respected, while assuming greater control of their actions as they move forward. 

When a student does not demonstrate age-appropriate social-responsibility, we view the situation as a learning opportunity and respond with the following considerations: 

Responsibility for not being socially-responsible must be recognized by the individual 

Harm (social, emotional, physical) must be acknowledged in order to grow and move forward 

The student’s age, life-experiences, maturity, and special needs are taken into consideration 

Fair, reasonable, consistent and progressive consequences will be developed with the best interest of the student in mind 

Consequences will be restorative in nature rather than punitive  

Preserving relationships will be a priority 

Consequences will align with our A.R.E.S. vision and goal to develop greater student resiliency, while incorporating the four Circle of Courage domains. 

The student will be supported in following through with some form of reparation for harm 


Communication & Notification: 

The incident and consequence will be discussed with the student and dealt with by the staff involved 

Staff inform Principal or Vice Principal – they meet with student/staff, if deemed necessary, and determine the appropriate course of action 

Parents will be notified of any serious or chronic breach of conduct 

School District Officials will be notified as required in District policy 

Police or other agencies will be notified as required by law 

All serious incidents will be recorded for future reference 


Special considerations may apply to students with special needs, if a student is unable to comply with a Code of Conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature.  


The board will take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation by a person against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of a code of conduct 


District Code of Conduct 


Student/Parent Appeal Process